Friday, May 15, 2009

Back to the Blog

I sure have had a hard time getting things posted on my blog. In my defense my life has been hectic and it is just settling down. 2 weddings and now a job layoff (my husband is now officially unemployed after 28 years at the same company but that is another story), last week my mom was here but now things are pretty much back to normal. I got to spend one whole day at the sewing machine and part of every other day this week and I am much calmer now.

Tonight for dinner I made up a new way to cook chicken and everyone liked it and my husband suggested I post it on my blog so here goes:

Linda's Last Minute Chicken
Put Chicken in a baking dish - whatever pieces you have, I used a whole one that I cut up
Squeeze one lemon over the top
Press some garlic and rub it around - you can use as much or as little as you like
Drizzle a bit of honey
Splash on a little soy sauce
Bake covered for one hour at 375 and then remove cover so it can brown a bit

That's it, we also had pan fried potato slices, sauted Swiss Chard (from our garden) and a fruit salad from the friut that was in the fridge. Good dinner, easy to make and it used what we had.