I guess I was feeling a little overconfident with the wedding dress. I basted all of the interlining pieces to the dress and then basted all of the parts together and had her try it on and found that the weight of the dress is pulling everything down. The pattern has you put in a limited amount of boning but I realized that would not cut it so I slept on it and pulled out my reference books and today I took apart the sections a little at a time so I could add boning to the interlining. I said I would work until 11:00 and then take a break. I finished all of the boning at 10:54! After an hour or so I will go back and put in the zipper.
If it needs more support then I will put more boning in the lining. I feel good about my decisions so far, she will be here for a fitting tomorrow night. I also want to have the lining put together and the slip made - we shall see how much I actually get done.
I am pretty much committed to finishing the gown before I work on anything else because the machine is all set up and I recovered my ironing board and I don't want to get any gunk or color that might transfer to the white satin. I really, really want to be working on a quilt and finishing my jacket so this is my motivation.