Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Quilting on High

We traveled to San Antonio for a graduation of a niece - our main objective was to visit with my sister in law who was there for the big event. I thought it would be a good idea to have some handwork to do on the 5 hour trip in the car so I pulled out a piece of hand applique that I had started in a class with Karen Kay Buckley a year or so ago. The night before we left I prepped a bunch of grapes and I packed it all in the car and off we went.

I always plan to do things while driving but then I get in the car and realize that I can't watch the road if my attention is elsewhere, now mind you I am not driving but I feel the need to watch the road as if I were (am I a back seat driver? - we are not going there!). So bottom line, long drive, no sewing.

Monday night was the graduation ceremony at a large auditorium. We had to be there early so at the last minute I pulled out the work bag and took it in with me. We ended up sitting a few rows down from the top in some very uncomfortable seats. I looked around and just a few more rows up were wooden bleachers but they had backs so I moved up there, all the way at the top. I spread my work bag out on the bench and started sewing.
When the ceremony started they dimmed the lights but I had my handy, dandy magnifying light
so while the 600 or so names were read I kept sewing.

I was concerned about appearing rude but I decided since the whole row in front of me was texting and reading news on their phones I could sew if I wanted too. Our grad was in the next to the last row so I got quite a bit done.

I am so glad I had hand work - we were in the auditorium for 3 and 1/2 hours and I am also glad we sat up high - no one was behind me so when I got tired of sitting I could stand for awhile and the AC was blowing on us so we were quite comfortable. So I have learned that maybe "handwork" is not a bad word and I only have a few more grapes to complete that part, maybe it will get done this year!

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